The original artist is deprived vanity, he understands too well that art is inexhaustible.

Ludwig van Beethoven


“…He demostrated his ability to conduct the orchestra as a well-balanced unit, playing beautiful musik with melodiousness and clearcut accents, as well as achieving rich and powerful tones…”

Haaretz , Isra

“…Swept away and cut to the quick by the inexorable baton of Mark Gorenstein, the Montpellier orchestra seemed to have won the right to aspire to the ranks of the great”.

Midilibre, France

“…The best measure of Mr. Mark Gorenstein’s work came in an urgent, imaginatively shaded account of Bartok’s Concerto for Orchestra. Beginning at a whisper, the cellos rose to a magnificently throaty sound. Woodwinds were ribald, and brasses took on a warm glow. It would be hard to imagine a more phantasmagorical rendition of the closing pages in the Giuoco Delle Coppie, or a more desolate introduction to the Elegia”.

New York Times, USA

“…Finally, with the “Pathetique”, Gorenstein’s strength not to use up all of the arguments too early showed itself once more. The dramaturgy was perfect, a captivating, full of wonderful moments performance, with enormous intensity result…”

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany

“… If I was to keep one programme from all the concerts my wife and I have been privileged to hear over the last five years, it would surely be that of the Russian Symphony Orchestra’s performance on Tuesday March 27th with the baton of Mark Gorenstein…”

Bradford Telegraph, UK